Last updated
Last updated has four pricing tiers, the details of which can be found at .
All plans include a certain number of Steps per month. The following actions count towards step usage:
Every time an automated action in another app is completed (e.g. sending a Slack message or updating a HubSpot contact)
Every time a Utility step is completed (e.g. transforming data)
Every time a Wait step is completed
Every time a Human-in-the-Loop step is activated
Trigger polling is not counted towards step usage.
To change your plan, navigate to . There you'll see a more detailed view of your current usage and what's included in each plan.
If you're unhappy with your plan, you can return to Settings -> Billing and change it at any time.
Once you select a plan, you'll be presented with a dialog to enter your email address and location.
On the next screen, you can either pay with PayPal or a credit card. If you're in a location that levies VAT on software products, you can enter your VAT number here.
Currently, we do not offer a mechanism for purchasing a one-time set of additional steps. However, you can upgrade your plan to meet your immediate needs for this month and then downgrade your plan in the following month.