📚Helpful Resources

App Integrations

To view the complete set of app integrations that Relay.app supports, visit relay.app/apps. You can filter apps alphabetically or by category.

If you select a particular app, you can see a reference of all of the triggers and actions that are supported in that app.

Each page also contains links to several detailed how-to pages that will show a step-by-step guide to completing a particular use case.


To get the most out of Relay.app's features. you can find a collection of tutorials at https://www.relay.app/blog/topic/tutorials. These include detailed posts on how to use specific Relay.app features (e.g. iterators) as well as guides to particular use cases (e.g. extracting data from images).


For many people, the best way to learn is by watching videos, and we have an active Youtube channel with over 50 videos demonstrating how to use Relay.app from basic features to advanced AI use cases. Here's an example of a video of how to use Relay.app to automatically follow a blog and summarize the posts.

Last updated